30 June 2007

...End of story...

One day we found each other,
somehow related, somehow closer
we were estimated like never before
we saw things that others ignore
we had that huge love to spread
we knew well each other’s need
I could feel you even through miles
You saw the tears hidden in my smiles
I felt lucky to find the key to the happiness’s door
I’d love you as long as the sea finds it’s shore
Suddenly, I realized, it’s too perfect to be true
I discovered your games and that shit that you do!
You told me I’m the one, you acted like you care
Of your words you meant none cause the same was told to her
How could you pretend that way? How to dare?
I wonder how was I classified, the “main” one or the “spare”?
I feel dumb as much as I trusted you one day
I let my heart to be broken and my dreams to be thrown away
Although, I don’t regret, it’s not that bad as it seems
I learned a lot from it, now I know what life means
I found out that I am stronger than I thought
I can control myself and expect others’ faults
So thank you anyway, and good luck with your life
I can forget easily, but it’s your turn to forgive yourself
Once, I truly loved someone, I’ll keep that as a memory
So it’s time to say it now: “that’s it END OF STORY”….

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